perjantai 12. lokakuuta 2012

Friday the 12th was the last day for our international week.

In the morning we had an EXELLENT lecture "Amputee walking school" by Dennis and Todd from US. If you are more interested about the theme go to web page

From the next pictures you can see what the students discussed about during the week.
All the best to all of you who attended!!

torstai 11. lokakuuta 2012

This Thursday was our fourth day. We had very interesting presentations from Turkish teacher and students about Turkey (Mugla), Belgium (Gent) and Spain (Manresa) and both physiotherapy and physiotherapy education in there! Thank you for all of you presenters!

keskiviikko 10. lokakuuta 2012

Some pictures taken 10.10. 2012 afternoon: practical lessons concerning taping and neurodynamics

The third day of the international week has been really beneficial. At the start of the day we had some presentations concerning the international exchanges experienced last spring. The rest of the day was about kinesio taping and neurodynamics. Below there are some pictures taken in the afternoon. The last picture was something I "must" add!!! :)

By Maria Rousi-Laine

tiistai 9. lokakuuta 2012

International week goes on!

On the second day we heard about exchange experiences in India and in Spain (Malaga area). An exchange student from Bussels gave a presentation about physiotherapy education in Parnasse Deux Alice, Belgium culture and Brussel city. Two TAMK's students told us about their experiences during field work (interviews for their thesis) in Namibia.

We heard also an interesting lecture about Hand Therapy and a couple of students also measured sensation. After a wile we could see how static and dynamic splints are made.

Marja-Leena Lähteenmäki

maanantai 8. lokakuuta 2012

Fysioterapian koulutusohjelmassa on meneillään kansainvälisyysviikko!

Viikon aikana kuulemme ja näemmekin kokemuksia viime keväisistä opiskelijavaihdoista eri maissa. Mukana on myös Tampereella olevia vaihto-opiskelijoita Maltalta, Belgiasta, Espanjasta ja Turkista. Eilen aloituspäivänä saimme innostavan luennon Kenialaissyntyiseltä ja Suomessa jo 15 vuotta asuneelta Brown Ondusolta aiheesta monikulttuurisuus ja kulttuurishokki. Kiinnostavaa nähdä, mitä viikko tuo tulleessaan!

Physiotherapy education in Tampere has it's third initernational Week going on. We will hear Finnish students' experiences from their past student exchange periods in different countries as well as exchange students stories about their own country, physiotherapy and physiotherapy education at home. Of course we have also theory and practical lectures about physiotherapy.

Follow us!

Marja-Leena Lähteenmäki
koulutuspäällikkö / Head of Degree Programme