Fysioterapeutti on lääkinnällisen kuntoutuksen asiantuntija. Fysioterapia on osa terveys-, sosiaali- ja kuntoutuspalvelujärjestelmää ja sen kohteena on ihmisen liikkuminen ja toimintakyky. Koulutuksen jälkeen opiskelijalla on valmiudet terveyttä, toimintakykyä ja väestön hyvinvointia edistävään asiantuntijatyöhön. Hän pystyy selvittämään fysioterapeuttisen tutkimisen avulla ihmisen liikkeitä, liikkumista ja toimintaa. Hänen on mm. terapeuttisen harjoittelun, manuaalisen ja fysikaalisen terapian sekä ohjauksen ja neuvonnan eri keinojen avulla mahdollista tukea ihmistä saavuttamaan tämän omassa elinympäristössään tarvitsema paras mahdollinen liikkumis- ja toimintakyky tarjolla olevien resurssien puitteissa.
Koulutuksessa opiskellaan ihmisen liikkumis- ja toimintakykyyn liittyviä perusteita sekä ihmisen liikkumis- ja toimintakyvyssä esiintyviin ongelmiin liittyvää fysioterapeuttista tutkimista. Opiskelija harjaantuu hankkimaan ja yhdistämään teoreettista tietoa tutkimisensa tuloksiin fysioterapeuttisen diagnoosin täsmentämiseksi ja terapian toteuttamiseksi. Fysioterapeuttiopiskelija harjoittelee potilaan ohjausta ja neuvontaa sekä muun muassa terapeuttisen harjoittelun sekä manuaalisen ja fysikaalisen terapian erilaisia keinoja.
Koulutus toteutetaan ongelmaperustaisen oppimisen (problem based learning = PBL) mukaisesti. Opiskeluprosessissa oppiminen ymmärretään oppijan aktiivisena tiedon käsittelyn ja henkilökohtaisen tiedon muodostamisen prosessina.
Fysioterapeutilta vaaditaan yhteistyö- ja kommunikaatiotaitoja, terapiataitoja sekä itsensä ja oman työnsä kehittämisen taitoja. Fysioterapeutti tarvitsee ammatissaan hyvää kehontuntemuskykyä, muotojen, asentojen ja liikkeiden hahmotuskykyä, liiketajua ja tuntoaistia. Häneltä vaaditaan uskallusta koskettaa toista ihmistä.
Fysioterapeutti työskentelee eri-ikäisten ihmisten parissa mm. sairaaloissa ja terveyskeskuksissa, tutkimus- ja hoitolaitoksissa, kuntoutuslaitoksissa ja kylpylöissä, fysikaalisissa hoitolaitoksissa, työterveyshuollossa sekä itsenäisenä ammatinharjoittajana tai yrittäjänä. Hän vastaa itsenäisesti työnsä suunnittelusta, toteutuksesta, arvioinnista ja kehittämisestä.
Koulutus täyttää EU:n lainsäädännön asettamat vaatimukset. Fysioterapeutti (AMK) laillistetaan terveydenhuollon ammattihenkilöksi laillistettuna fysioterapeuttina.
Koulutusjohtaja Riitta Hanhijärvi
Koulutusjohtaja Riitta Hanhijärvi
Koulutuspäällikkö Marja-Leena Lähteenmäki
Sähköpostiosoite on muotoa etunimi.sukunimi@tamk.fi
Puhelinnumero löytyy henkilöhausta.
Hakutoimisto (lisätietoja hakemisesta)
The title of the graduating students of Degree Programme in Physiotherapy is Bachelor of Health Care. The degree is comparable with equivalent degrees in other EU countries. Bachelors of Health Care are authorised by National Supervisory Authority for Welfare and Health as health care professionals (physiotherapists). The extent of the Degree Programme in Physiotherapy is 210 credits and the education lasts for 3.5 years.
Competences developed
Physiotherapists are experts in the area of medical rehabilitation. Medical rehabilitation includes all activities that aim at improving and maintaining individuals´ physical, social and mental functional ability. Rehabilitation aims at supporting the individuals´ resources, their coping abilities and equal participation.
Physiotherapy is part of the health, social and rehabilitation service system and its focus is on the movement and functional ability of individuals. Graduating students have the abilities needed for expert tasks in promoting health, functional ability and wellbeing of individuals and groups. By using physiotherapeutic assessment they can define individuals´ diverged movements, locomotion and function.
With therapeutic exercises, manual and physical therapy as well as with guidance they can support individuals in their environments to reach the best possible movement and functional ability within the limits of the available resources.
Professional status
Physiotherapists work with different aged people in hospitals, health centres, research and nursing institutions, rehabilitation centres, spas, physiotherapy clinics as well as in occupational health care, public health care, sports organisations and organisations for disabled people. In social welfare, physiotherapists work in old peoples’ homes, nurseries, schools, municipal sports departments and as private practitioners or entrepreneurs as well as in diverse projects. They are independently in charge of planning, implementing, assessing and developing their work and taking the requirements of effectiveness and economic efficiency as well as ethical and legal aspects into consideration.
Values of education
After graduation physiotherapists are able to act as experts in promotion of human health, movement and functional ability. They have the abilities for independent, client oriented and cost effective professional work that is based on the clinical reasoning process, evidence and ethical principles of the profession.
Structure of degree programme and key contents
The degree programme consists of core studies, professional studies, bachelor´s thesis and elective studies. Physiotherapy is based on physiotherapy science but it also takes advantage of the research information of many other disciplines. The knowledge on the different subjects is combined in courses to develop individual students´ professional skills. The professional studies include 82 credits of clinical training and 51 credits of it are completed in diverse clinical training places.
Teaching methods
The professional growth process of each student is essential in physiotherapy education. It is based on the know-how the student has already before the education. The process varies individually depending on the learning environment and social and cultural situation.
The physiotherapy education is implemented according to the problem based learning (PBL) approach. Learning is understood as the student’s active information processing and knowledge creation process. The contents of working life are used as starting point in the problem based learning approach which prepares the students for independent learning and development of their own professional competence and the professional field to respond to the changing needs.
Director of education Riitta Hanhijärvi
Physiotherapy, education coordinator Marja-Leena Lähteenmäki
E-mail: first.lastname@tamk.fi
Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
The title of the graduating students of Degree Programme in Physiotherapy is Bachelor of Health Care. The degree is comparable with equivalent degrees in other EU countries. Bachelors of Health Care are authorised by National Supervisory Authority for Welfare and Health as health care professionals (physiotherapists). The extent of the Degree Programme in Physiotherapy is 210 credits and the education lasts for 3.5 years.
Competences developed
Physiotherapists are experts in the area of medical rehabilitation. Medical rehabilitation includes all activities that aim at improving and maintaining individuals´ physical, social and mental functional ability. Rehabilitation aims at supporting the individuals´ resources, their coping abilities and equal participation.
Physiotherapy is part of the health, social and rehabilitation service system and its focus is on the movement and functional ability of individuals. Graduating students have the abilities needed for expert tasks in promoting health, functional ability and wellbeing of individuals and groups. By using physiotherapeutic assessment they can define individuals´ diverged movements, locomotion and function.
With therapeutic exercises, manual and physical therapy as well as with guidance they can support individuals in their environments to reach the best possible movement and functional ability within the limits of the available resources.
Professional status
Physiotherapists work with different aged people in hospitals, health centres, research and nursing institutions, rehabilitation centres, spas, physiotherapy clinics as well as in occupational health care, public health care, sports organisations and organisations for disabled people. In social welfare, physiotherapists work in old peoples’ homes, nurseries, schools, municipal sports departments and as private practitioners or entrepreneurs as well as in diverse projects. They are independently in charge of planning, implementing, assessing and developing their work and taking the requirements of effectiveness and economic efficiency as well as ethical and legal aspects into consideration.
Values of education
After graduation physiotherapists are able to act as experts in promotion of human health, movement and functional ability. They have the abilities for independent, client oriented and cost effective professional work that is based on the clinical reasoning process, evidence and ethical principles of the profession.
Structure of degree programme and key contents
The degree programme consists of core studies, professional studies, bachelor´s thesis and elective studies. Physiotherapy is based on physiotherapy science but it also takes advantage of the research information of many other disciplines. The knowledge on the different subjects is combined in courses to develop individual students´ professional skills. The professional studies include 82 credits of clinical training and 51 credits of it are completed in diverse clinical training places.
Teaching methods
The professional growth process of each student is essential in physiotherapy education. It is based on the know-how the student has already before the education. The process varies individually depending on the learning environment and social and cultural situation.
The physiotherapy education is implemented according to the problem based learning (PBL) approach. Learning is understood as the student’s active information processing and knowledge creation process. The contents of working life are used as starting point in the problem based learning approach which prepares the students for independent learning and development of their own professional competence and the professional field to respond to the changing needs.
Director of education Riitta Hanhijärvi
Physiotherapy, education coordinator Marja-Leena Lähteenmäki
E-mail: first.lastname@tamk.fi
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